The parcel is fairly flat and has a few trees at the back of the property. It's peaceful here and would be a great place for a retreat from a busy lifestyle. If you were to build here, you would need to check with Klamath County on your plans. There are no HOA fees here, and modular homes are allowed. It is currently zoned R2. The property would need a well and septic and an alternative power source, grid power is extremely far away and would likely not be feasible. The area receives around 300 days of sunshine per year, so solar or wind may be a good alternative.
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Lot #15 Allynpine Rd
Beatty, OR 97621
There is plenty of room out here for your off-grid homesite, recreation property, or quiet getaway in rural Oregon!
This is an incredible area if you love outdoor recreation! There are clear mountain lakes, pristine rivers, miles and miles of wilderness, incredible bird and wildlife refuges, and wide-open spaces to breathe the clear mountain air!
It's quiet here. You only hear the wind over the plateau and a few birds overhead. This property sits at the foot of Buckmaster Point, which is a tabletop mountain with an elevation of around 4,856 feet.
The adjoining parcel (#16) is also for sale, if you purchase both together you would have over 3 acres of rural Oregon land! The properties sit and the end of a dead-end road offering even more privacy!
There are no CC&Rs or HOAs in the subdivision. The property is zoned R2, and there is no time limit to build. The property would need a well and septic, and likely and alternative power source, as power is quite a was away. Be sure and check with Klamath County on the viability of your plans for the property. The properties are within the Klamath County Rural Fire District.
Only about 3 miles down the road you enter the Freemont-Winema National Forest with millions of acres of public lands to explore!
The USDA growing zone is 6a, so it does get cold in the winter, you will likely have to cover your early spring garden starts from the late frosts. The climate is arid and considered a high desert, so it doesn't get the rainfall that the interior valleys of Oregon are famous for. It does get some snow in the winter though. In the summer months, the days are warm and pleasant.
There are so many possibilities here! Even if you just want a place to come and relax, enjoy the peacefulness that surrounds you and regain a connection to nature, this may be the perfect spot! Give us a call for more information!
Our office number is (541) 405-4145 or you can email Robert: or call Robert's cell phone (541) 990-7533. It's not often that you have the opportunity to purchase two adjoining lots!
Click here to see the property on Google Earth!
Click here to check ODOT road conditions near Beatty, Oregon
Click here for current NOAA weather in Beatty, Oregon.
The town of Sprague River is actually closer to the property than Beatty, but since the property has a Beatty address, we calculated the mileage from there. The property is approximately 25 miles northwest of Beatty.
TO: | |
| |
Agency Lake, OR | 45 miles |
Bend, OR | 150 miles |
Boise, ID. | 381 miles |
California Border at Malin, OR | 38 miles |
Chiloquin, OR | 39 miles |
Collier State Park, OR | 44 miles |
Corvallis, OR | 229 miles |
Crater Lake, OR | 75 miles |
Crescent Lake, OR | 109 miles |
Diamond Lake, OR | 98 miles |
Eugene, OR | 185 miles |
Grants Pass, OR | 145 miles |
Klamath Falls, OR | 40 miles |
Klamath Wildlife Refuge, OR | 53 miles |
Kla-Mo-Ya casino, OR | 42 miles |
Madras, OR | 192 miles |
Medford, OR | 119 miles |
Mt. Shasta, CA | 121 miles |
Newberry National Volcanic Monument | 150 miles |
Oregon Coast at Brookings | 241 miles |
Portland, OR | 291 miles |
Prineville, OR | 184 miles |
Redmond, OR | 166 miles |
Salem, OR | 248 miles |
San Francisco, CA | 395miles |
Sprague River, OR | 14 miles |
Three trails OHV System, OR | 101miles |
Willamette Pass. OR | 117 miles |
*Distances are approximate* |
| |
Nearest Major Airport Locations: | |
Crater Lake / Klamath Regional Airport | 40 Miles |
Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport | 118 Miles |
Roberts Field, Redmond, OR | 165 miles |
Eugene Airport | 185 Miles |
Nearest Local Airport locations | |
Chiloquin State Airport | 38 miles |
Butte Valley Airport | 66 Miles |
Ashland Muni-Sumner Parker Airport | 100 Miles |
Bend Municipal Airport | 156 Miles |
* Contact Airports for rules, regulations, schedules, |
requirements and availability* |
This is a county parcel map showing the outline of the property and the adjoining parcel which is also listed for sale from the same owner! Make an offer on both and increase your parcel size to just over 3 acres!
There is no light pollution here and the mountain air is clear and crisp allowing for absolutely spectacular nighttime stargazing. As you gaze out to the west, you can watch the sunset over the Cascades and paint the sky orange and pink on those warm summer evenings.
We were able to access the property on dirt roads without our 4X4, but as will all rural property, especially volcanic landscapes, it would be advised to have a high-profile vehicle.
Although not on this property, there are many natural springs, wetlands, rivers and lakes in the area! It is just a short drive to the many alpine lakes and clear mountain streams of Klamath County and the Freemont-Winema National Forest.
The valleys and foothills that surround the property offer gorgeous territorial views. It is so quiet here, no cars, no sirens, just the quiet wilderness and the gentle wind that blows across the high plateau.
The Klamath Basin sits within the Pacific Flyway for migratory birds. It is not unusual to see over 300 species of birds migrating through the area, including sandhill cranes, osprey, ducks, geese, and even pelicans! The Klamath Basin has the largest winter congregation of bald eagles in the lower 48 states!
It's just a short drive down to the Sprague River and the lush green valley that surrounds it. The Sprague River is a tributary to the Williamson River. There are small family farms and cows grazing in the valley. The river starts way up in the mountains before meandering through the valley and supplying water for the local wildlife. The locals tell us that it has excellent trout fishing! The nearby Sycan river is a tributary to the Sprague River.
This Google earth photo shows the property and the adjoining parcel that is for sale, as you can see, they sit at the foot of 4,856 ft Buckmaster Point, which is a volcanic tabletop mountain.
Looking out across the plateau from the property. This could be your view!
This is a Klamath County topo map showing the elevation, the property sits at approximately 4,650 ft. It does get cold here in the winters, but the environment is arid and a high desert, so the snowfall amounts are less than what falls on the Cascades to the west. Notice the nearby natural springs!
This view is looking to the southwest across the properties.
It's just you and the wilderness that surrounds you out here! Some of that wilderness is home to the local fauna, including, bears, mountain lions, Rock Mountain elk mule deer, wolves, fox, raccoons, squirrels, and many, many others. They often come to drink from the nearby creeks and rivers. The ecosystem is unique here, and most of the people that call this area home are excellent stewards of the land.
We have marked the property with our signs and red tape, so it should be easy to locate once you are out on the plateau. With the properties being at the foot of Buckmaster Point, it is a good reference point for location.
Klamath County is the place for outdoor recreation lovers, no matter what season it is! With the millions of acres of public lands, dedicated OHV / ATV trails, mountain lakes and streams, and snow-capped mountains, there is something here for everyone!
Our office number is (541) 405-4145 or you can email Robert: or call Robert's cell phone (541) 990-7533. Don't let this exciting opportunity to purchase two adjoining parcels pass by!
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