Thinking of Buying a New Home or Property? Here's a Good Place to Start!
It's time, and you have decided to make the move!
You have been searching the internet and our website, and looking at properties, and which ones are in your price range with the amenities and location or income potential you want, you have found one that you would like more information on, to schedule an appointment to look at it, and hopefully make an offer!
Now you are ready to make the next move!
Having the Right Real Estate Broker Can Make All The Difference!
Contact Cascade Land And Homes!
Office: (541) 405-4145, Robert's Cell:(541) 990-7533
Email: Robert@cascadelandandhomes.com
or stop by our office located at 536 South Main Street in Lebanon, Oregon
Let us help you find the perfect new home, Land, Ranch, Recreational or Commercial Property! As we help you navigate your property search, we can provide you with a
FREE Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to help narrow down your selections, or use it as a tool to make an informed, competitive, inclusive offer.
Make a Moving Checklist
The busier you are with your move, the more checklists become important! Make the process as stress-free and organized as possible by starting early and keeping close tabs on the details. A simple search online for a “moving checklist” will arm you with all the information you’ll need. We have additional valuable suggestions, Click HERE for our Buyer's Tips page.
It’s Ok to Dream
When you are out there looking to find a house that is perfect for you and your family, it’s a good idea to prepare a list of all your needs, wants, and don’t-wants. Yes, an open mind is helpful when shopping for a house, but you don’t need to compromise on the things you truly care about. Prioritize your top 5 “must-have” qualities in a home, your top 5 “like to have” qualities, and your top 5 “we absolutely don’t want” qualities and take the list with you when you go house shopping. You will be able to quickly eliminate homes that don’t fit your needs and wants, and also be able to spot the homes that deserve some greater attention.
Finances, Finances, Finances
When you are buying a home, you may be thinking “location, location, location” or “granite countertops", but before you can start having fun shopping around, you have to do a little work to get yourself ready financially.
Begin your home-buying process by cleaning up your credit report and credit score and you will be able to start off on a solid financial foundation. It's a good idea to get financial advice before you make any big purchases, such as a car or furniture, when you are planning for a new home loan.
We Can Get You Prequalified! (It's free)
Buying a home can be one of the most exciting (and stressful) moments of your life. Finding a home you can call your own makes it all worthwhile! We work closely with mortgage brokers and can get you pre-qualified quickly to relieve some of the stress. A mortgage prequalification is an estimate of how much a borrower can be approved for based on income and other basic factors. It provides you with a general idea of what you can afford. It's typically a quick and simple process that will be a valuable tool as we help you with your home or property search.
We can help you make sure you are buying a home or property that you can afford, so you can proceed with confidence, knowing you have the information and tools you need, and a professional Real Estate Broker to help you navigate the process.
Picture Yourself
Before you buy a home, you may do a lot of daydreaming about what life there will be like, relaxing by the pool or enjoying s’mores made in the wood-burning fireplace. But to know what it will really be like, you’ll have to picture yourself doing everyday things.
How is the commuting experience? What sounds will you be falling asleep to at night? Is there a park or walking trail nearby? Can you picture yourself hosting Thanksgiving dinner in that size dining room? Does the home match your efficiency standards? Do you need wheelchair access for your future or that of your family? Can you find solutions that work for you? These are questions you’ll want to answer before you move in.
Buying a home or property is an exciting experience! When you have the knowledge, the tools, and the right Real Estate Broker, it doesn't have to be a stressful one. Contact us today!
Are You Ready to Purchase or Start Looking? Contact Us!
Thinking of buying or selling? Contact us today! Please fill out the form below, call 541-990-7533 or Email Robert@cascadelandandhomes.com If you are in the area, please come and visit our office located at 536 S. Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon 97355 Let us explore the opportunities waiting for you!
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